We serve a self-serve buffet style meal every Tuesday Evening from 5pm-6:30pm. You are welcome to join the community and be fed.
Click here to learn about Feeding Ministry Volunteer Opportunities
We seek every Tuesday to respect the dignity of every human being by allowing individuals to serve themselves with food that is lovingly prepared by our volunteers.

This meal offers both good food and fellowship. This community is made up of the guests who come to eat and the volunteers who come to serve. And often we are gladdened to see that people are both.
We believe it is in the relationships built that Christ is found, and in doing all that we can to see that All are Fed and that Christ is Served.
We invite everyone, no matter where they find themselves in their spiritual journey to come and join in this work in the community. We honor all contributions and appreciate all gifts brought no matter the giver.
The community dinners team is amazing. They really know what they are doing, and they have a great time working together. We are profoundly grateful to Mary, Dan, Mona, Chris, Bill, Bob, and the entire team of our Community Dinner program for their careful dedication.
Current financial donations for this expansion have come from various individuals, and food donation support is currently organized through Food Lifeline.
More volunteers and donations are always welcome!
Contact the church office (office@sdchp.org) or stop by before a meal if you would like to volunteer.