Dear Friends,
We are almost there!
Three more days until Easter.
Three more days until we celebrate the resurrection.
Three more days until we celebrate a homecoming,
returning to our beautiful St. Dunstan’s Church to worship, celebrate, and eat together.
Two years ago at this time, we were facing our first Easter in the history of the church when our churches had all been closed. At that time, it seemed that the COVID-19 pandemic would last weeks, or even months. Now, years later, we are finally beginning to emerge, back into the light, back into a shared fellowship, back into a world that will never be the same, but some things are still true. Jesus Christ defeated death with his resurrection, and God has never stopped loving us through this entire pandemic ordeal.
You are a beloved child of God and together, we are God’s family, the Body of Christ in and for the world. The resurrection life that Jesus reveals is here. This is not a mere platitude or happy story. This is a foundational truth that gives us the power and the ability to live more fully, love more fully, to be the people God dreams we can be.
That is what we are about at our congregation in Shoreline. We support one another to live the brave, vulnerable, engaged, forgiving, forgiven, and hopeful life of brothers and sisters in Christ. We feed the hungry, offer shelter, pray for one another, and do what we can to love our neighbor as ourselves.
I hope you can be with us this Easter. I pray that God will bless you and bless our congregation with resurrection joy. God bless you.
With love,
P.S. In late February, I injured my shoulder while working out. On Monday, April 18th, I will be having surgery to repair a torn rotater cuff. This is outpatient surgery, but the recovery is long. We have arranged for full coverage of the office and worship for the two weeks it will take me to recover enough to come back to work. Please keep me in your prayers for a successful surgery and a quick recovery, and keep my wife Alice in your prayers for patience.