722 N. 145th St. | Shoreline, WA 98133

From the Interim Rector

Welcome to St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church

young woman with brown curly hair smiling at the camera, leaning against a rail and wearing a maroon sweater over black shirt and a clergy collar
Interim Rector, The Rev. Elizabeth Riley

We welcome you in your faith journey – from long time believers to new seekers, skeptics and questioners. You have a place here. We welcome families and households of all sizes, the young and our elders, quiet individuals and noisy families, and everything in between. Whoever you love, whatever you look like, wherever you come from, we are glad you’re here.

We are a vibrant and loving community. Coming from different walks of life, we share a love for God, and we love sharing that with the world. From our Sunday worship services to our weekly feeding ministry, St. Dunstan’s feeds people in body, mind, and spirit.

We hope we can meet you wherever you are in your faith journey. You are welcome to reach out to ministry leaders and staff and get to know us more, or join us for worship (in-person and online!) every Sunday at 10AM.

Love Your Neighbor - Come and See

We hope you can be fed at St. Dunstan’s, and come to know the love of God in Christ that we joyfully celebrate.

Rev. Elizabeth