722 N. 145th St. | Shoreline, WA 98133

Abundant Gratitude

Each week, as we come forward to receive communion, some of us are carrying overwhelming burdens, incredible joys, life-shattering sorrows, and unanswerable questions. We stand shoulder to shoulder with our hands stretched out to receive, bringing our individual struggles, sorrows and joys together in the gracious act of sharing this spiritual meal.

We share our lives by sharing our prayers and our stories and by working and worshiping together. Whether it is the weekly Care Teams prayer list, or the conversations as we work together feeding people or planning events, we get to know one another’s stories.

As I participate in this flow of cares, burdens, joys, sorrows and unanswerable questions, I consistently experience a sense of abundance. The sunlight streaming through the trees and into our sanctuary on a Sunday morning fills me with joy. I was thrilled when we had people dancing and clapping at our kickoff Sunday celebration as the Ain’t No Heaven Seven and Terry Rogers lead us in those wonderful spirituals and Gospel tunes. I was inspired by the love I witnessed at Saturday’s wedding, both as the couple spoke their vows to each other and as their friends and family embraced them. I am moved by the depth of love, grief, and joy all present as we have buried beloved members of our congregation this summer.

It is a privilege to watch this congregation grow and embrace one another in joyous and sorrowful times. It is inspiring to watch as we then reach out to do the same for our neighbors and our community.

With abundant gratitude,