On earth as in heaven, all are welcome, all are fed, and all are loved.
I love introducing St. Dunstan’s Church as The Church that Feeds People. That is at the heart of our vision and feeding is certainly the face of our outreach ministry. On Monday at the Martin Luther King Jr. Prayer Breakfast, Erin Jones said that “it’s not just feeding people, but loving people.”
That calls us further into our vision, beyond feeding to loving. What would it mean to love the people we are now feeding? What would it mean to love the people in the tent camps we feed and host? All are welcome, fed, and loved. That’s our vision.
Loving is the ultimate goal, but it is much easier to feed someone than to love them. So many judgements and values get in our way. Certainly, feeding is a good thing, but God calls us beyond feeding to loving. God calls us to sacred ground.
This month and next we will be introducing the Sacred Ground program with a series of short video invitations. This week we hear from Mary O. Pacher in the video below my article.
You can find out more about the Sacred Ground program and sign up on our web site Sacred Ground Class page.
With love,