For the past few days I have received a steady stream of emails with titles like “Black Lives Matter.” These came from organizations we would not normally associate with political activism, and some that we would, including Food Lifeline, the King County Department of Public Health, North Helpline, Church Publishing Incorporated, The Diocese of Olympia, Bishop Greg Rickel, The Episcopal News Service, Virginia Theological Seminary, Luther Seminary, and Faith Action Network.
On Sunday, the Day of Pentecost, at our own St. Mark’s Cathedral, the Rev. Canon Nancy Ross preached a remarkable sermon in which she spoke of the Holy Spirit, the breath of God, and George Floyd’s dying words, “I can’t breathe.” I have already shared with you the powerful Pentecost sermon by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.
This morning I read a remarkable post from the King County Public Health department titled, “COVID-19 and Unrecognized Realities Experienced By Black People”. I am sure you have seen similar articles and posts yourself. This is a remarkable time. In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic we now have this political uprising for racial justice.
As hard as this is, we are privileged to be alive at this time. We are privileged to have this opportunity to participate in a movement for justice, equity, reconciliation and peace. As a congregation, St. Dunstan’s Church, The Church that Feeds People, has a role to play. I don’t know what that will be yet, but it is our calling as Christian people to figure that out.
That’s why we are gathering for a virtual prayer vigil and conversation tonight at 8 PM. We will pray for justice and peace, we will sing, we will each light a candle in our own spaces, and we will have a conversation as we discern how God will use us as a congregation. I pray that you will be there, that you will offer your heart and your wisdom as we faithfully respond to this difficult time.
Click here to join. The link is also on our home page.
Whether or not you’re not able to attend, here are a number of Resources to Support Protesters and Racial Equity in Western Washington from the Diocese of Olympia.
A Moment of Prayer and Lament
This Friday, June 5, at noon, a group of Seattle clergy from many faith traditions will gather on the terrace and steps of St. James Cathedral to pray and observe eight minutes, 46 seconds of silence while the Cathedral’s funeral bell tolls. Rev. Dr. Kelle Brown, Lead Pastor, Plymouth Church, will speak and invite all to the time of silence. The brief service will be livestreamed at https://vimeo.com/425970811.
I will be attending this event and I invite you all to join me online with the link provided.
With love,