This Sunday is Pentecost and we will break bread together as we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. I invite you to participate in our online service and have bread (and wine if you desire) available. In our worship, I will celebrate and share Holy Communion with the small group who gathers to create our online worship. Then we will hold up bread in our own homes and I will say prayers of blessing. We will end the service by breaking and eating the blessed bread.
After the service ends you can join us for the Zoom Coffee hour. Susanna is going to lead us in singing some of our favorite hymns (a Zoom Hymn sing-along!) and we then we can eat bread together while we visit.
Here’s the recipe for our Communion Bread (you can use any bread you have if you don’t want to bake). I have already baked a trial loaf and it is delicious! Here is a picture of the dough rising and the baked loaf.

One Day to Worship Together
On Trinity Sunday, June 7th at 11:00 we will join with all the congregations in the Diocese of Olympia for a united service: “One Diocese, One Church, One Day to Worship Together.” This could never have happened before this pandemic when all of our congregations are required to worship online, and it is a wonderful opportunity. Next week we will share the link to this very special worship led by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Gregory Rickel at our own St. Mark’s Cathedral.
Online Offerings Survey
Finally, last week we sent out a survey about our efforts to use online resources to “stay church”. I encourage each of you to give us your feedback. The survey takes about 5 minutes to complete and the feedback will be very helpful as we plan future offerings. Click here to take the survey.
With love,