722 N. 145th St. | Shoreline, WA 98133


Sacred Ground

A Film- and Readings-based Dialogue Series on Race and Faith An Invitation to Sacred Ground from Father David: Sacred ground is dangerous ground. Jesus called us to sacred ground by feeding the hungry, healing the sick, casting out evil, and showing us the love of God. They hung Jesus on a cross. There is no…

Morning Prayer and Compline

You are welcome to join us at 8:00 AM for Morning Prayer and 8:00 PM for Compline, Monday through Saturday. Click the image below for the link. Leaders will provide the text of the services and the psalm and Bible texts available for you to read on the screen during these services. You are also…

Finding True Life

Have you ever felt that if you could just get more money, life would work out? Or maybe you have dreamed of the one true love that would fill your life with joy? Or perhaps you have pursued business success to find happiness and satisfaction? Or maybe, for you, it was the dream of a bigger house? …