722 N. 145th St. | Shoreline, WA 98133

Ministries (Page 3)

Faces of Our Ministries: Carol Vojir, Lector

The real impetus to my spiritual journey began in 2005 when I moved to Las Cruces, NM, and joined St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church. Don’t get me wrong; although not a ‘cradle Episcopalian’, I had been a regular church-goer throughout my life, but God really took me in hand when I moved to Las Cruces! On…

Faces of Our Ministries: Richard Newby

As a sixty-eight-year-old, life-long Episcopalian, I had never encountered a “Greeter.” That is until one fine Sunday when Dennis Beals picked me up and drove me to St Dunstan’s. He rolled me down a fine ramp and inside. Immediately I was met by a smiling Pam McCoy, who said, “Good Morning and Welcome!” We chatted a bit filling in the usual blanks.…

Faces of Our Ministries: Chris Johns

My spiritual growth has been a slow journey along a bumpy road instead of one involving a spectacular epiphany. I was baptized in the Episcopal Church and attended Episcopal Services most all my life. I was well immersed in the Episcopal Tradition. My Father went to Episcopal Seminary later in life after interrupting a successful…

Mary E. Pacher

Ryan’s House for Youth is an organization on Whidbey Island that provides housing and many services for the homeless youth on the island. I am so pleased that St. Dunstan’s Church and St. Agnes Guild support this valuable organization. I was privileged to take St. Dunstan’s youth group on their first mission trip they have ever taken. We went to Whidbey and worked…

Janet Allen

Faces of Our Ministries: Janet Allen

Janet was introduced to St Dunstan’s through her friendship with Dennis and Karoline Beals. She had not attended church much before, but found a home at St Dunstans. The friendship and love she experienced led her to seek baptism in 2013 at the Great Vigil. She says it felt very important to be baptized. She…

How I got suckered into the Care Teams!

by Karen Tynes It all started for me back in 2005, in Memphis, TN. One of my church’s clergy, who was also a friend, said, “We need to catch up. Let’s do lunch.” So there I was having lunch at this Italian place, and Rev Bill Kolb said, “I need you to be the volunteer coordinator for the new Care Team ministry.…


This week Jill Spruce has shared a little about her experience of serving on the vestry: Walking into my first St. Dunstan’s vestry experience in February 2016 was like wading into a swift stream that had a long history and momentum and a channel to get things accomplished. As for all “firsters” I had to learn the rules and process as I…

Love is Our Mission

We use the word love to say a lot of different things. Love is a feeling we have for one another. Love is a verb, an action, that we do for one another. We talk about giving love and receiving love as though love were a commodity. A lot of things we do express love.…

Fr. David, Bishop Rickel, and chef Josef Hinkofer

Community Dinners

One year ago, the last time I wrote about our Community Dinners for this column, we were feeding 250 to 300 people a week. As of this writing we are feeding about 440 people a week. We are now feeding as many as 140 meals a week at the church and we deliver meals to…