722 N. 145th St. | Shoreline, WA 98133


Sunday Seminar

Rebel, Patriot, or Insurgent? July 7, 11:45 am – 1 pm As we have just celebrated our nation’s birth, we are reminded again of the struggle for birth. There were some in the early American colonies who didn’t feel the need to break from England, and others that violently protested their rule. Who was the patriot? Who was the rebel? In his…

Easter 2022: Resurrection & Homecoming!

Dear Friends, We are almost there! Three more days until Easter. Three more days until we celebrate the resurrection. Three more days until we celebrate a homecoming, returning to our beautiful St. Dunstan’s Church to worship, celebrate, and eat together. Two years ago at this time, we were facing our first Easter in the history of the church when our churches had…

Spring Cleanup Party & Coffee Hour Returns

Dear Friends in Christ, The Spring Work Party Returns Work party? Is that possible? Yes! On Saturday, April 9th, at 10:00 AM we will have a spring cleaning, getting ready for Easter, work party at St. Dunstan’s Church. Things are already looking great with our paved, painted, and re-surfaced parking lots. We will plant some spring flowers around the entrance, trim the…

Coming To Life

All around us are signs of new life. The cherry trees are starting to blossom. The days are getting longer. The birds are getting feisty and loud in the morning. I may even have to mow my lawn before Easter! There are signs of new life at St. Dunstan’s as well. We’ll have our first…

Freddy Turgeon funeral

One of the oldest deaths recorded in our columbarium it that of Alfred (Freddy) Turgeon, brother of Joan Mackie, who died in a bombing raid over Romania in 1943. His family placed a plaque on an empty niche in our columbarium to have a place to remember him. Well, the amazing story of Alfred (Freddy) Turgeon became even more interesting last year when his remains…

Fr. David Marshall

Tell Our Story

We are St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, in Shoreline, Washington, The Church that Feeds People. We strive to be a place where On earth as in heaven, All are Welcome, All are Fed, and All are Loved. Over the front door of our building, the fading banner proclaims, Who Welcomes a Guest, Welcomes Christ. Each of…