722 N. 145th St. | Shoreline, WA 98133

Coming To Life

All around us are signs of new life. The cherry trees are starting to blossom. The days are getting longer. The birds are getting feisty and loud in the morning. I may even have to mow my lawn before Easter!

There are signs of new life at St. Dunstan’s as well.

  • We’ll have our first coffee hour since the latest shutdown on Palm Sunday, April 10th.
  • We’re inviting kids to come back as acolytes for Easter.
  • We’re holding a Spring Work Party on Saturday, April 9th to spruce up the church for Easter.
  • Our hospitality team and feeding teams are collaborating to bring us a celebration feast after Easter Day services on April 17th.
  • And, this coming Sunday, we will have both wafers and wine at communion.

Each week we are seeing old friends and new in our services and I look forward to seeing you.

With love,
