I learned a new acronym on Sunday: MEGO. That stands for, “My Eyes Glaze Over” and that is the experience many of us have when presented with financial reports and line item budgets. Tina Polf, our Assistant Treasurer, promised to tell us the story of how our money is being used rather than subject us to MEGO inducing financial reports. Instead of a spreadsheet of salaries and utilities, she presented the story of how our staff and facilities support our mission. You can read the Missional Budget here and watch Tina’s excellent presentation here, along with Sunday’s sermon.
Please Send In Your Pledge This Month
Our finance team will be working with the vestry to produce the budget for 2018 in the coming weeks. If you didn’t turn in your pledge this Sunday, please mail in your pledge using the envelope we provided before the end of this month or drop it into the offering plate this coming Sunday.
Yours in Christ,