722 N. 145th St. | Shoreline, WA 98133

Delta V

Dear friends,

In math, we use the “delta” as a shorthand for the difference between two halves of an equation. In project planning, the “delta” is the difference between when we plan to deliver and when we actually deliver. In driving, where V is velocity, it is not so much V that causes accidents as delta V, or the difference between two cars’ speeds. It is the delta V that gets you in trouble.

How ironic then, that the Delta Variant is messing up our reopening plans. While I was on vacation, our Sr. Warden and assisting clergy made the wise decision to reinstate a mask requirement, suspend coffee hour, and refrain from the common cup. As heartbreaking as it is, this was the right call. We will be adjusting our fall plans to keep our loved ones, our children, and ourselves safe. For now, that means masks, limiting communion, and waiting on restarting coffee hour.

We are not limiting attendance, but the choir will hold off on resuming rehearsals and the feeding program will hold off on restarting our buffet meal offered inside and continue with the to-go meal offering. Our office will stay open, but masks are required. We will still be offering all our programs this fall, to the extent possible, within these new restrictions.

I look forward to seeing each of you soon in person for worship. We know how to keep safe, we know how to be a congregation, we know how to worship together, and we know how to feed people in this pandemic. Thank you for all you continue to do to stay connected, stay safe, and stay church.

With Love,