We expressed our hopes and dreams, cast a vision, and Imagined the Ways we could build new capacity to Feed Hearts and Spirits, Open New Doors, and Serve a Bigger Feast. Now, the time has come to start implementing the capital improvements. This is the first in a regular series of articles that will keep you informed about the work we are doing at St. Dunstan’s Church.
Saying Goodbye to the Old Organ

Any time we build something new, we also have to say goodbye to what was. This coming Sunday, September 29th, will be the last day we will be led in music by our old organ. For over 40 years, this Balcom and Vauhn Organ has been the foundation of our worship music. Prior to this, St. Dunstan’s had an electronic organ. In the late 70s, then rector the Rev. Robert Webb heard that Temple De Hirsch Sinai was removing their pipe organ and St. Dunstan’s arranged to buy the old instrument. It was installed by a combination of organ professionals and volunteer labor, creatively wedging as much of the instrument as possible into the attic above the sacristy of St. Dunstan’s Church.
Only about 80% of the instrument fit into the space, so some of the stops (sets of pipes with a particular sound) were lost. Other stops, unfortunately, were installed so far back in the attic, behind other pipes, that they cannot be heard. Still, even with these challenges, this old organ, which is more than 100 years old, has served our worship well.
The first step in replacing the old organ will be to build a proper space for the pipes and equipment of the new organ. The removal of the old organ begins on Monday, September 30th. First the pipes will come out, and then we will remove the other components of the organ. Most of the instrument will be donated to the Pipe Organ Foundation (www.pipeorganfoundation.org) to be used in building new instruments.
We will celebrate the old organ with a special coffee hour after the service on Sunday. Please come join the fun.
Wednesday Eucharist and Bible Study

Construction will be a constant companion to our worship and ministries for the next year. After we remove the old organ, our contractor will begin construction on October 21st. Check back here regularly for construction updates.
We will shift our Wednesday Eucharist and Bible Study to the chapel, starting on October 2nd. The lower parking lot will be open on Wednesday mornings and the door unlocked. We invite you to park there on Wednesday mornings and use the east door to the church. There is a ramp to that door for accessibility or you can use the short set of steps. If you are comfortable with the stairs, you can continue to park in the upper parking lot.