This morning when I answered the phone for the monthly update from our organ builder, I was greeted not with “Hello” but with a wonderful “Toot Toot”! It was, of course, Jonathan blowing into a pipe he was voicing. Having finished voicing the swell pipes (yes! He’s done!), he’s now started in on the Great, beginning with the 2′ Fifteenth. (Quick side note: why on earth would a rank of pipes called a “Fifteenth?” The Fifteenth is a Principal rank. Other Principals on the Great of our organ include the 8′ Diapason and the 4′ Octave (aptly named since the 4′ sounds one octave higher than the 8′). In the same naming tradition, the 2′ Fifteenth comes from the fact that the 2′ pipe is fifteen notes (2 octaves) higher than the 8′.)
In other pipe news, the facade pipes have arrived at Jonathan’s shop from Shires Organ Pipes in England (you may recall the picture of the beautiful spotted metal pipes from last month’s article). Jonathan will keep them wrapped up and protected until they reach their final home at St. Dunstan’s.

Patrick continues his work building the organ’s case. The photo above shows the frame of the lower case, which will be on the ground level of the sanctuary and will hold the pipes for the Great and pedal.
Bart has finished building the Pedal Bourdon chest – the final windchest! In the photo below, the Bourdon chest is wired and ready for testing. At this point, all windchests are now complete and are being assembled inside the case.

Steve Russell continues to build our console in his Vermont shop, and expects to be finished in about 6 weeks. Steve is also making the remainder of the flue (i.e. metal) pipes for the Great. He currently has the metal for the 8′ Diapason rolled, rounded, and ready to be turned into a rank of pipes. Jonathan will voice these Great ranks as they arrive at his shop.
I hope you’re following Ortloff Organ Company on Facebook. It is so exciting to see this organ springing to life! Pictures with wonderful descriptions of the week’s activities at the organ shop are added on Fridays.