The next step in our capital campaign is a series of three gallery events. Think of these as parties with purpose. The format for each event will be the same. We envision them like an art gallery opening with lots of socializing as we enjoy displays for each of the six projects. We will have brochures for you to take with you with project overviews. There will be drawings, designs and detailed descriptions of each project on display.
Feeding Hearts and Spirits: For the organ project we have a rendering of the beautiful quarter-sawn oak cabinet holding the exposed pipes. We even have some excellent pictures of the last organ built by our builder, the Ortloff Organ Company. We are working on a picture of the church with the partition walls and choir screen removed so we can all see how open and beautiful the choir and altar space will be with the new design. Opening New Doors: For the elevator project we have architectural drawings showing where the elevator would go, showing interesting options for additional storage or even a new conference room. For the paving project we will have detailed drawings of what would be paved. Serving a Bigger Feast: For the ministry projects we have architectural drawings of a walk-in cold storage room built into the old janitor’s closet next to the kitchen and an extension to the table storage building for expanded kitchen storage. Please sign up for one of these events and share in the excitement. Advocates for each project will show you through the details and benefits. This is an exciting time for St. Dunstan’s Church. We have enjoyed five years of growth. God has blessed our worship and our ministries. We are ready to do more. We are The Church that Feeds People: Imagine the Ways! A Mimosa Brunch Saturday, February 23, 2019 at 10:00 am![]() A High Tea, Saturday, March 2, 2019 at 2:00 pm