God is present here and now. In this moment, we have access to the love, comfort and strength that come from God. We come together as a congregation to be a part of that, to be Christ’s heart and hands in the world, and in doing so, to be a part of something much bigger, to be a part of the Kingdom of God, to participate in Eternal life. We worship God to be a part of that eternal life the includes Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We do the work of forgiveness to be a part of that eternal life that is revealed in the resurrection. We feed people to participate in that eternal life that we all need, here and now, when we are hungry ourselves, or sorrowful, or struggling. We need God here and now, and so we love and worship God here and now, and that is what this congregation, our worship, our work with the hungry and homeless, our ministry to families and elders, our St. Agnes Guild, our Care Teams, and even the construction on our campus are all for.
Thank you to everyone who brought their pledge to support St. Dunstan’s Church in 2020 to the altar on Sunday and to everyone who has already mailed in their pledge cards. Thank you for supporting our common effort to participate in God’s Kingdom, to be a part of that life Jesus offers that is bigger than any one of us, that started before we were born and continues beyond us. Thank you for supporting your congregation, St. Dunstan’s Church, the Church that Feeds People!

Yours in Christ,