722 N. 145th St. | Shoreline, WA 98133

Happy Easter!

Easter is coming. Not even a pandemic can stop the resurrection! This most holy of weeks leads us to the celebration of Easter even when we cannot gather for worship. We are certainly grieving that we cannot come together in person, but we will still celebrate with online worship and even a new way of doing coffee hour! Please join us for the live-streaming of our Easter Day service at our Facebook page and then see your friends at our virtual coffee hour. Yes, coffee hour is back.

Coffee Hour Online

We will use a Zoom meeting to see and talk with one another during our customary post-worship coffee hour. I will be there to moderate the conversations and check in with you as well.

You can get to the meeting by clicking on this link or by calling this phone number: +1 253 215 8782
If you dial in by phone you will need to give the meeting ID and password:
Meeting ID: 612 414 322
Password: 022628

Online Holy Week & Easter Services

All services can be found at our Facebook Page

Links to the service booklets are here.
  • Maundy Thursday at 7:00 PM April 9th
  • Good Friday at 7:00 PM April 10th
  • Easter Vigil Sunrise Service at 6:00 AM on April 12
  • Easter Sunday Principle Service at 10:00 AM on April 12

Easter Day at 10:00 AM we will live-stream our worship from the St. Dunstan’s Church sanctuary with all the familiar Easter hymns, readings and prayers.

Care Groups Heroes

I have been deeply moved by all the reports I am seeing from people making calls to the members of their Care Groups. Jesus tells us to love one another as he has loved us, and these calls are a great example of doing just that. Thank you to all who are making these calls. God bless you.

Video and Sound Problems are Fixed

Failure is a great teacher, and we are learning a lot! Our live-streamed service on Palm Sunday froze and skipped and was completely unwatchable. We diagnosed the problem, identified the proper solution, and have tested the fix successfully. I am confident you will see and hear our Holy Week and Easter services clearly. 

We were not able to see or hear the sermon on Palm Sunday, but it is available now online. Click the link below.

Our Easter Offering Online

The Easter Day offering is an important line item in our annual budget. We won’t be passing those wooden plates, but we are asking you to make your customary Easter gift to the Church. There are several ways to do that. 

  1. Write a Check: Mail it to the church office. We are still checking our mail and making deposits about once a week.
  2. Online Banking: You can easily set up St. Dunstan’s Church and send your pledge in as an automatic bill payment. My bank automatically writes a check and mails it to the Church once a month.
  3. Online Donations: Online giving options are available on our donations page.

You are all in my prayers. Stay connected, stay church, and take good care of yourselves and one another.

With love,