St. Dunstan’s Church will offer an outside worship and picnic on September 13th at 11:30 AM celebrating Holy Cross Day. We will have our usual 8:00 and 10:00 AM services online and then a service on the lawn next to the lower parking lot at 11:30. You are invited to bring a lawn chair and picnic lunch and set up; safely social distancing and wearing your masks. We will have music, hymns, readings, preaching and prayers. Singing is allowed at outdoor services as long as we all keep our masks on!

Holy Cross Day
This service will commemorate Holy Cross day, in which we celebrate the saving power of the crucifixion and resurrection, for which the cross is a powerful symbol. I look forward to singing, “Lift High the Cross, the love of Christ Proclaim!” Our family attended Holy Cross in Redmond before I went off to seminary and enjoyed the annual celebration of this day. We sang hymn 473, “Lift high the cross,” so often that my children made up their own alternate lyrics. I won’t repeat them here. It is for the best.
Safety, Parking and Logistics
We will provide a hand washing station, hand sanitizer, extra masks, and all our ushers and service participants will be observing strict safety procedures published by King County. The lower level of the church will be open for access to restrooms. (We will have folding chairs available for those who need them.)
Park in the lower lot if you would have any trouble with the path, or park in the upper lot and walk down the path past the columbarium to get to the service. There will be a limited number of spaces in the lower lot so please park above if you are able to walk down the path.
Bring Your Own: Picnic
After the service we will visit. You are welcome to bring a picnic or snacks for yourself. We can visit with social distancing from our lawn chairs. It has been so long since we have been able to see one another, and I am really looking forward to this.
With love,