722 N. 145th St. | Shoreline, WA 98133

Hospitality Team

Last Wednesday, Marilyn Firman sent out an email to the rest of the Hospitality Team to say she was bringing food but needed help with setup. The next three days my inbox filled with people replying with offers to bring treats, help make the coffee, or help with cleanup. I knew that we were in for a great coffee hour just based on the number of emails and I was not disappointed. There was plenty of great food, but the real indicator of success was that 40 minutes after the service ended, we still had a room full of people visiting and enjoying themselves. Marilyn told me that she experienced a coffee hour like this last summer and that is what made her decide to stay with us. Thank you, Marilyn, for returning the blessing!

Christian hospitality and Christian stewardship are closely related. We are inspired to use the gifts and resources we have to bless others in Christian hospitality. We are inspired to express our gratitude to God for our many gifts and resources in Christian stewardship. The best use of our gifts is to bless others. The best way to thank God for the abundance in each of our lives is to bless others.

The Hospitality Team has a great time working together. They plan our picnics, facilitate greeting and welcoming visitors, and our fellowship time and food after services. If this appeals to you, please talk to Madeline Sego, vestry member and head of our Hospitality ministries.

Yours in Christ,