On Sunday we heard a gracious sermon from the Rev. Jonathan Hanneman in which he shared the wonderful story of how he and his wife, Shannon Walker, found their way to St. Dunstan’s, the Episcopal Church, and eventually, to the priesthood. We celebrated his ordination and call to serve as a curate at the Church of the Holy Cross in Redmond. It was, of course, wonderful to see Jonathan and Shannon. They were a very important part of this congregation for many years, and we supported Jonathan as he followed his call to the priesthood.
As I introduced Shannon and Jonathan for those who did not know them, I was particularly moved by what we have all done together. You all, as a congregation, welcomed this young couple, who had never experienced worship in the Episcopal Church, loved them, and welcomed their many meaningful contributions. They returned that welcome and love with generous participation, faithfully discerning God’s call for themselves as a couple and helping us discern God’s call to St. Dunstan’s Church as a congregation.
In a couple weeks we will celebrate the Incarnation. God revealed God’s own self to us in human form in the person of Jesus, and through this revelation shows us how we too are meant to bring Christ to one another and to the world. The relationship we shared with Jonathan and Shannon was a beautiful example of incarnation, of God’s love and grace being given and received in a way that generates new life, new energy, and new hope for the future.
Thank you for supporting the Rev. Jonathan Hanneman and Shannon Walker. Thank you for being a community that values faith and generosity, hospitality and justice. It is an honor to be your priest.