Dear friends,
Easter is a day and Easter is a season. In the 50 days after Easter, we live into the reality of the resurrection. The readings assigned for Sunday worship in this season dwell on the love of God and the call for us to dwell in that love, not as a passive rest but as an action. Abide in God’s love. Let God’s love flow through Christ and the resurrection into us; in us and among us and for us; through us for others.
God is love. Jesus gives a new commandment that we love one another as he has loved us. He tells us that he is in us just as we are in him and he is in God. These are all different ways of talking about this web of love and life that flows from God and that Christ invites us to join.
God is love. Jesus gives a new commandment that we love one another as he has loved us. He tells us that he is in us just as we are in him and he is in God. These are all different ways of talking about this web of love and life that flows from God and that Christ invites us to join.
This is all so poetic, and so beautiful, and so very, very practical. We ground our love and our participation in love in our care for others. At St. Dunstan’s Church, that means we worship together, we teach faith and Christian practices, we pray for one another, we feed people, we offer shelter from the cold, we collect donated cloths and give them out again, we host sanctioned tent encampments. This is a good way to be alive, and I am grateful to be living with you in this way
Alleluia. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia.
With love,