722 N. 145th St. | Shoreline, WA 98133

Slowly, Carefully, Safely

Dear friends,

We have been allowing up to 25 people to attend Sunday worship ever since Easter Day, and it has been wonderful. This has been a very difficult time since the pandemic restrictions closed down our in-person worship, and it has been life-giving to begin even this limited return.

Reopening is a balance between the need to keep one another safe from COVID-19 and our deep need for worship and communion. We have a comprehensive set of policies and procedures for health and safety that has been reviewed and approved by the chancellor of the diocese. On this past Sunday we began surveying for vaccine status. We had 20 people in church and all of them were completely vaccinated.

We will continue to monitor the vaccination status of attendees to worship. We are being very careful to protect privacy. Greeters will ask if you are willing to share your vaccination status. If you say yes, we will note your answer on a tally without your name. If you say you are not willing to share the information, or that you are not vaccinated, we’ll make a tally under “no”. At no time will personally identifiable health information be recorded or shared.

We are watching the Governor’s announcements on reopening carefully. If our county moves to stage 3, we will consider expanding access to worship. We may be able to suspend the reservations system at that time as well. With our safety procedures and very high rate of fully vaccinated participants, attending worship is a safe activity and we would love to see you soon.With love,