Dear friends,
When we read about Jesus’ resurrection, we don’t talk much about what was happening between the cross and the resurrection. I wonder if God and the angels were as busy as we have been at St. Dunstan’s Church? It was a huge effort to get our kitchen cleaned and repaired and clean up all the damage from the break-in in the rest of the church.

I would like to thank Chris Johns, AGAIN, for his excellent work. Chris met me at the church at 3:30 AM the morning of the break-in and we secured the church by covering the broken windows with plywood. Then, before even going back to bed, Chris was on the phone with Church Insurance and cleaning companies getting the work started. He managed multiple bids for the cleaning, supervised the work personally, arranged for replacement windows for the broken doors, dry-cleaning the banners, the recharging of our fire suppression system, and helped with the inspection of the Organ.
Many other people have helped us quickly recover. Tom and Ian Paulson and Terry Rogers helped us clean and wrap the organ console to prevent further corrosion. Over a dozen people came to the kitchen on Saturday morning to wash every single dish, pot and pan that was exposed to fire suppression chemicals and clean the shelves. The kitchen received a deep cleaning, and we had a great time! Tom Wear helped inspect our live-streaming equipment to make sure it all still works.
On the Tuesday after the break-in we cooked the entire meal in table top roasters. We already had two and Alice Marshall put the word out to her Facebook friends and her quilting community and found three more.
The KIRO 7 News coverage of our first Community Dinner after the break-in resulted in just over $2000 in donations to help with repairs and the meals. This generosity, the loans of the roasters, and all the people who have worked on cleanup is a beautiful expression of God’s love expressed in community.
Thank you to all who have worked and contributed, and thank God for the relationships that make all of this possible. God is at work in our community. We are participating in ongoing resurrection life.
With gratitude,