722 N. 145th St. | Shoreline, WA 98133

The Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement

We have been talking about the kingdom of God as a movement for the past few weeks. The idea of a movement is more compelling to me than a kingdom. A kingdom is a place and seems somewhat static to me. A movement, on the other hand, is ideas and actions that we all get involved in.

At the opening of the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, just completed in Austin Texas, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry spoke powerfully of the Jesus Movement. His 20-minute address was both moving and inspiring. You can watch it here.

Bishop Curry speaks of our church as the Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement. That’s what we are about. That is the movement we are a part of, in our own, particular way. At St. Dunstan’s Church, we have our own way of talking about the Jesus Movement. We have a purpose, based in our love for Christ, that is expressed as our mission:

Inspired by our worship together, we follow Jesus by welcoming the stranger, feeding hungry bodies and souls, giving of ourselves, and inviting others to join us in this journey of faith.

Our journey of faith is the Jesus Movement. Movements are about people living out ideas together. Jesus gives us a radical new idea that we should love God with all we are and love our neighbor as ourselves. As we have lived into these ideas at St. Dunstan’s Church we have discovered our passion for welcoming, feeding and loving.

Yours in Christ,