As the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, we follow the way of Jesus. His way is the Way of Love, and that love has the power to change lives and change the world.
This Advent we will take up the challenge to live the Way of Love together. On Sunday we will hand out a Way of Love Advent calendar that guides us into this Jesus-centered way of life. The calendar offers a simple suggestion for each day, from the Sunday of Advent 1 to Christmas Day and is a fun way for all of us to explore the Way of Love.
Each day’s suggestion is based on one of the seven practices of The Way of Love: Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, and Rest. For instance, Monday, December 17th, the instruction is to “Go: Read or watch your local news. Where is reconciliation needed? Pray for healing” On Thursday, December 13th, the instruction is to “Bless: Call or write a family member with whom you desire a closer relationship. Tell them what they mean to you. Ask how you can pray for them.”
The Jesus Movement is a way of life, and the Way of Love Advent calendar is a way for us to playfully practice a Jesus-centered life. I encourage you to put the calendar up in your home, and to share your experiences as you do the daily suggestions. You can share them with me and with one another after services on Sunday.
Yours in Christ,