722 N. 145th St. | Shoreline, WA 98133

We Can Do This!

As I write this, the Imagine the Ways capital campaign has already raised $805,000 to grow our capacity to feed hearts and spirits, open new doors, and serve a bigger feast. About half of this has already been given and the rest is pledged over the next three to five years. This is a wonderful result. Imagine our church with a beautiful new organ, paved parking lots, expanded kitchen storage, a refurbished sanctuary, and an elevator! God has called us to be the Church that Feeds People, and these projects will grow our capacity to feed hearts, spirits, and bodies.

We would like to finish the campaign with a strong push to fully fund the elevator and all the other projects. We have received gifts and pledges from 58 people. There are 50 more people or families who give regularly to St. Dunstan’s Church who have not yet participated in the campaign. If you are one of these 50 people, please consider making a pledge to support our vision for growing our congregation.

You should be receiving a letter this week from our vestry with an invitation and a pledge card. Every gift makes a difference, whether big or small, and we are so close to being able to do all the projects. Please return your gift or pledge before June 9th when the campaign officially finishes.

My Sabbatical Begins Next Tuesday

This Sunday is my last Sunday before I leave on a sabbatical which ends September 3rd. The Rev. Catharine Reid will be leading worship, Brother John will be providing pastoral care, and Tom Paulson, our Sr. Warden, will have executive responsibility while is am away. I am grateful to the leadership of this congregation, to our staff, to Tom, to Catharine and to John for this opportunity for renewing and deepening my call to be your priest. Please come on Sunday to help us mark this transition with prayers and blessings.

Yours in Christ,