Dear Friends in Christ,
On Sunday afternoon my wife and I brought our grand-kids to the organ concert. They were very excited, right up until the music started and then it was just TOO LOUD for their little ears, so Alice took them out into the church yard where they discovered the labyrinth. As the amazing organ music wafted out of the open windows, they practiced running though the twists and turns of our labyrinth. As Oliver exited the path, he looked up at Nana Alice and said, “We have to tell Grandpa that this is here!”
Spring is the perfect time to rediscover the beauty of your church campus. Come a few minutes early and walk down the path to the labyrinth, with its meditation bench, and the columbarium chapel with its beautiful and ornate altar.
This week and next we will hand out cards with our Holy Week and Easter schedules. It would be wonderful to have a grand turnout on Easter Day. I encourage you to plan to come and to invite your friends.
Finally, if you missed the Organ Concert last Sunday, be sure to check out the video recording from our Organ Dedication Concert Series page. The music was thrilling and our Ortloff Organ really does sound great.
With love,
David+ (Grandpa)