Our online worship resources may be found here.
On Thursday, March 12, Bishop Greg Rickel announced that he is directing all Episcopal Churches in the Diocese of Olympia to close for the next two weeks, until March 22nd. Here is the relevant portion of his announcement:
I am calling for the closure to the public of all our worshiping congregations for a period of two weeks inclusive of, and running through, Sunday March 22nd. A decision will be made on or before March 22nd on what comes next.
This includes all group activities at the church and in-person Sunday worship services. This decision was arrived at after very careful consultation with medical experts and with the clergy of the diocese. Bishop Greg did urge us to continue our feeding program because the very people we feed are among the most vulnerable in this epidemic.
We are planning to offer online access to worship on Sunday morning at 10:00 AM with a live video and audio service on Facebook. We will have the leaders of worship present in person and broadcast the service to all of you online.
To join us via Facebook live, all you need is a computer with speakers or headphones. You do not need to join Facebook. Just go to our Facebook page. Once you are there, you will see a post of our live event with a video feed. Just click on that and follow along! If you have a Facebook account, you can even participate with comments and “Likes”.
The Church office will keep our normal business hours for the next two weeks, but the staff may be working from home. You will not be able to visit in person. If you need to reach us, the best option is to use email. If you call, be sure to leave a message. We get an email automatically every time you do that so we will know to listen.
Church Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Here is our contact information:
Office Phone: (206) 363-4319
Office Email: Office@sdchp.org
Fr. David’s Email: rector@sdchp.org
Fr. David’s Cell Phone for urgent calls: (206) 334-0175
Yours in Christ,