Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. (1 Corinthians 12:4-6)
This is one of the most encouraging and challenging verses in all of Paul’s letters. Paul is encouraging you to believe that you have gifts from God. God has given you gifts, abilities, competencies, interests, talents, and skills. Take an inventory. Think about your own life. Consider your story and you will see that you have been given countless gifts. Your life has a purpose. You are called, through your baptism, to use those gifts in service of God’s kingdom.
And there are varieties of services. You yourself have engaged in many different kinds of service. You have cared for people, solved problems, lent a hand, challenged authority, called for justice, worked for the good, and supported causes that move or inspire you. Because of your baptism, you live your life in service to God’s kingdom, engaging in the activities of life with a God given purpose.
Every life involves activities. We engage in activities at home, with our families, at our work, at play, in worship, and in times of rest. Some activities are explicitly Christian. We engage in these activities, or practices, to focus our lives on God, to grow closer to God and one another, and to shed the parts of ourselves that separate us. Other activities are the stuff of life. We would not consider them religious or spiritual, but because of who you are, because of your baptism, they are for God.
Everything you do is for God because you belong to God. At your baptism you were reborn into the family of God. This may all seem a bit overwhelming. You may not have thought of your house work or chores or office job or marriage as being in service to God. It may even seem like more than you can do. That’s what St. Dunstan’s Church is for.
God has called you, adopted you, and loves you. Whatever your gifts, whatever service you are called to, whatever activity God has inspired of you, you are in the right place. Here at St. Dunstan’s Church, we welcome, feed, and love for the building up of God’s kingdom. This church is for you, because you are for God. Yes, that’s a lot, but don’t worry. We are in this together.
Yours in Christ,