722 N. 145th St. | Shoreline, WA 98133

Sermons on John

The Light

The Rev. David Marshall December 30, 2018 Christmas 1C John 1:1-18 Word: Light Quote: Even in the darkest times of our lives, we can give what light we have, trusting that all light is from God, and God’s light never fails. That is the life of faith. We have this life through Jesus, who is God’s…

Fig Trees

Epiphany 2B John 1:43-51 Word: Calling Quote: Maybe you are a cynic like Nathanael, or perhaps you are sure that God cannot use you because of who you are, or what you have done. Maybe you are too old or too young or too discouraged, or too angry. Jesus sees through all of that and calls you anyway. God sees into your…