722 N. 145th St. | Shoreline, WA 98133

Capital projects

Worship in a Construction Zone

On Sunday we had our first worship in the sanctuary since the demolition of the altar and choir platforms, side walls, and choir screen. Without the wall and shelf behind the altar, we had to figure out where to put the things, like flowers and chalices and bread baskets. The altar guild and Chris Johns…

This Month in the Organ Shop

Over the last few weeks, our hardworking organ builders in Massachusetts have made exciting progress on our organ! Jonathan continues to voice our pipes. Having finished the Swell 8’ Stopped Diapason, he has since started in on the Swell 8’ Viola. The Viola rank is, unsurprisingly, a rank of “string” pipes. No, that’s not an…

This Month in the Organ Shop: November

As you know, Jonathan and his crew at Ortloff Organ Company have been working on our organ diligently for eight months, methodically building the many diverse components for our organ: the windchests, slider chests, rackboards, toe boards, and wind trunks, to name only a few, making sure each component is flat, sturdy, and sealed. They’ve…

Sacred Space

Last week, Bill Barnsdale completed framing the opening for the new organ’s swell chamber, allowing the large components of the old organ to be removed. Chris Johns worked with volunteers from the Pipe Organ Foundation to get the last of the huge wooden pipes down (the largest one took six of us!) and loaded into…

Organ Project Update: June 2019

Most recently, our organ builders have been continuing work on the wind chests (bonus points if you remember what those are! If not, you can refer to my previous article. Toe holes have been drilled into the toe boards. The pipes will sit in these toe holes and the air will travel through them to make…