722 N. 145th St. | Shoreline, WA 98133

Weekly Message

Easter 2022: Resurrection & Homecoming!

Dear Friends, We are almost there! Three more days until Easter. Three more days until we celebrate the resurrection. Three more days until we celebrate a homecoming, returning to our beautiful St. Dunstan’s Church to worship, celebrate, and eat together. Two years ago at this time, we were facing our first Easter in the history of the church when our churches had…

We have to tell Grandpa!

Dear Friends in Christ, On Sunday afternoon my wife and I brought our grand-kids to the organ concert. They were very excited, right up until the music started and then it was just TOO LOUD for their little ears, so Alice took them out into the church yard where they discovered the labyrinth. As the…

Coming To Life

All around us are signs of new life. The cherry trees are starting to blossom. The days are getting longer. The birds are getting feisty and loud in the morning. I may even have to mow my lawn before Easter! There are signs of new life at St. Dunstan’s as well. We’ll have our first…

Ashes on Foreheads

With the words, “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return,” and a smudge of ashes on the forehead in the shape of the cross, we begin the season of Lent. This is a powerful ritual that communicates our humble desire to grow closer to God. We are almost ready to return…

Across the Great Divide

Families have split in the past couple of years over vaccines, mask mandates, conservative vs. liberal politics, racial justice, and recently over banning books in schools. The politicians of our nation (and perhaps world) explicitly use the strategy of dividing us against one another to win our allegiance and support. Nixon introduced abortion as a…

Church (and) Fire!

There will be fire. There will be prayers. There will be a bucket of water too, just in case. Each year we do a little ritual, usually privately, where we burn the palm fronds and palm crosses from the previous year’s Palm Sunday celebration to use the ashes in our Ash Wednesday rituals. Ash Wednesday…

New Life!

On Sunday morning at the 10:00 AM service we will baptize baby Michelangelo. It has been a pleasure to have the sounds of a baby in our worship these past two weeks, and to meet the parents and family in worship and in my “virtual” zoom meeting room.  This welcome opportunity for a baptism came…

The Rev. Catharine Reid

A Fond Farewell

Six years ago, the Rev. Catharine Reid came to St. Dunstan’s Church to see if this might become her worshipping community; a place where she could contribute as a priest and teacher, and a place where she could worship. A mutual friend of ours recommended she come and we have been graced with Mother Catharine’s…

Surfing the Pandemic Waves

This morning I engaged in one of my daily rituals and looked at the COVID-19 Key Indicators in King County to see what is happening with the infection rates. At the end of last week, the rate rose to 2000 cases per 100,000 residents, a staggering number when you consider that anything over 100 is…

Over the Horizon

Epiphany tells the story of Christ being revealed to the world. This is a season of revelation and discovery. When I was a child, we lived in a small mining town in Peru and our home had a view west, across the Pacific Ocean. Every night we could watch the sun set on that horizon. About once a week a large ship…