722 N. 145th St. | Shoreline, WA 98133

From Our Senior Warden

The Vestry and St. Dunstan’s have had a very busy and exciting couple of weeks. Since we kicked off the Capital Campaign at the end of March, we have received 63 gifts and pledges for more than $890,000! I thank everyone for their generosity and willingness to contribute to the future of St. Dunstan’s. Last weekend, we had a wonderful visit with Bishop Rickel, who was very happy with the energy that he saw at St. Dunstan’s–no doubt enhanced by the performance of the children’s group on the hand chimes and the delicious meal afterwards. On May 16th, the Executive Committee met with the Board of Directors at the Diocese and presented our proposal for establishing a line of credit with the Diocese. This action would allow us additional flexibility to work on some of the Capital Campaign projects before all of the pledges come in, which will take up to five years. I’m happy to report that the application was approved, which means we can start to realize the changes to St. Dunstan’s that a few months ago we could only imagine!

At the Vestry meeting this past Monday, we discussed plans for moving forward on projects from all three areas of the Capital Campaign – Music and Worship, Accessibility and Functionality, and Mission and Ministry. Our strategy allows us to start work on some activities immediately, and to minimize the amount and term of the loan from the Diocese. The highlights of the Capital Campaign Project Planning:

  • Construct the dry storage unit for the feeding ministry in early fall of 2019.
  • Pave the upper and lower parking lots in mid-fall 2019.
  • Complete the Ortloff organ, already in the process of being built, in late spring/early summer of 2020.
  • Develop the flexible worship space seating and lighting along with the corresponding work on the sacristy as the new organ is being installed. These changes would also be expected to be completed around the summer of 2020.
  • Construct the cold storage unit for the feeding ministry later in the summer of 2020.
  • Upgrade the front, side and downstairs doors to improve accessibility, in winter of 2020.

All of these dates represent our current best estimates for completion of each project – however, we are bound to run into some issues and unexpected problems. Importantly, with plans in place, we can now start the process of getting bids for the actual work. We will keep you all updated on the progress!

The one undertaking for which we do not have enough money at this time is the elevator/upstairs conference rooms. This important project will enhance our facility and it was high on many people’s wish list, but it is also one that carries a high price tag. The Vestry will continue to explore ways in which we can make the elevator a reality. The Capital Campaign will continue until Sunday, June 9th (Pentecost), with the goal that everyone has the chance to participate and contribute, no matter how much. We worship together, we build together, and we grow together.

Yours in Christ,
Tom Paulson, Senior Warden